Digital Diary 2000

My Blog!

What is love? 언젠간 나에게도 사랑이 올까?

Hi there! Welcome to my blog!

went to the movie theater to watch inside out 2! it was okay :/ i still had A TON OF FUN tho! :D jona was rly excited! \(=>_<=)_o
-went 2 swim then em's exzema appt then went 2 the pool w/ lexy, coda, & shelby -lexy ditched us for her friends >:( how rude! -i met a new friend >0< her name is taylee - i forgot to get her number 😭 shes 10 like how emma was w/ us! shes super nice and does dance @ barefoot studio (shes super mature 4 her age :0) shes also homeschooled! i hope i can see her again TvT -lexy's a jerk who just cares abt her looks >:3
-a boy at the pool asked for my snap! my 1st time! >0< (he was ugly and younger than me tho lol)
had fun at the creek! love my bestie kethry!!! <33
i wish i could stop comparing myself
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